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The Doctrine of Separation of Church and State

An overview of the establishment clause of the First Amendment and its role in American politics.
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Simply Civics

In 1802 Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to the Danbury, 康涅狄格浸信会大会上,他提出了他的观点关于宗教和国家在新国家中的作用之间的关系. 他的观点基于《ladbrokes立博中文版》的确立条款,即“不应该有任何法律尊重确立宗教或禁止自由行使宗教信仰”,杰斐逊说,必须有一道“隔离墙”,明确限制宗教派别和宗教领袖参与与国家治理有关的事务.

像杰斐逊这样的开国元勋们担心,允许宗教和宗教派别越过围墙,将信仰和实践引入执政领域,会造成一种两极分化的环境,使政策决策和国家领导成为一个困难而有争议的过程. 在我国建国之初和今天,人们都担心宗教可能被用来向持有不同观点或没有宗教信仰的公民施加压力,迫使他们遵守某种宗教的信仰和习俗. Jefferson, like many other of the early leaders of the United States, were committed to what is commonly called at secular state, in which citizens can openly hold religious beliefs and participate in religious services, but not seek to influence the direction of the state on matters of national policy. It is important to note that the words, God, 宪法中并没有提到耶稣和基督教,以此作为这个基本治理文件的作者想要竖起一道坚固的隔离墙的证据.

《ladbrokes立博官网》和《ladbrokes立博官网》其他条款的大部分语言也是如此, 联邦法院系统必须根据现实生活中的经验和条件来解释确立条款. For example, in a case out of Utah in 1879 (Reynolds v. U.S.), 法院认为耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(摩门教)不能免除支持其信徒中的一夫多妻制. 法官们表示,一夫多妻制的做法确实是跨越隔离墙的一个例子. Later, in a landmark decision in 1947, 意见分歧的最高法院一致认为,为就读天主教学校的儿童提供巴士交通并不违反政教分离条款. 法官们表示,因为支付巴士服务的国家资金是给了父母,而不是给了作为宗教机构的教会,所以没有违反宪法.

但是,关于政教分离最具争议的问题可能是公立学校的祈祷. 纽约州争论的焦点是当天开始时的非宗派祈祷是否违宪. In the decision (Engle v. Vitale), 最高法院表示,学校赞助的祈祷违反了第一修正案的建立条款, even if the students could be excused from the room or remain silent. 恩格尔一案引发了激烈的争议,因为许多宗教领袖和宗教团体成员认为,这一裁决是对祈祷的攻击,也是对长期以来以承认上帝作为人类经历的一部分开始新的一天的做法的攻击. Following the Engle decision, the Supreme Court struck down other legal efforts, primarily in Southern states, to allow prayer at graduation ceremonies and at the beginning of football games.

The issue of religion in public life did not end with the Engle decision and others. With the swing toward conservative judges appointed by President Trump, 最高法院表示支持将杰斐逊隔离墙的影响降到最低. In three separate cases in 2022, 法院支持华盛顿州一名橄榄球教练,该教练因在比赛结束后带领球员进行基督教祈祷而被教育官员停职. Using the doctrine of free speech, the Justices stated that the coach was in his right as a citizen to lead a prayer after the game. 言论自由将成为最高法院在公共生活中支持宗教行动的基础. Also, in a case out of Maine, 法官们批准用纳税人的钱接送农村学生去宗教学校, saying that the students would have no ability to attend school, even though the school was religious in nature. Finally, 在波士顿,法院驳回了该市移除带有基督教十字架的旗帜的决定,该旗帜得到了一个寻求呈现多元化观点的宗教团体的支持. Again, free speech formed the basis for supporting the flag on public property. Currently, 最高法院保守派多数支持的趋势是将言论自由与基于宗教的行为联系起来.

Americans remain a religious people, even though church attendance and self-descriptions of church membership are on the decline, 因为年轻一代选择避免将他们参与公共生活与宗教立场或隶属关系联系起来. This movement toward a more secular society in some states, especially in key background states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, 能在2024年大选中发挥作用,让民主党巩固在2020年大选中取得的胜利吗. Yet, in many parts of the country, especially in rural areas, 人们强烈支持确保宗教信仰和习俗仍然是公共生活的一部分. 农村在政治上对宗教的支持通常被认为对共和党及其在2024年重新夺回白宫的目标至关重要.

可以公平地说,宗教和政治将继续在美国政治中发挥重要作用,尽管杰斐逊提出了隔离墙,但政教分离将面临更多挑战. 曾经将政治和治理问题排除在政策领域之外的安全原则,现在却成为了一场全国性辩论的中心:国父们确保宗教只属于私人事务的努力是否需要重新审视,或许还需要改革.